
Introspecting the Conjunction of Human and Humane Mechanics


  • Saptarshi Roy


Post-humanism, Robots, Refugees, Technology, Aid and Rescue


This paper is divided into two realms. The first portion aims at addressing the post-humanist developments that continually assay to evolve whilst ambivalently opining about the castaways of the world who are the end products of tech-chrysalis. Simultaneously, the second section tries to focus on those very machines that try hard and fast to aid the émigré and refugees. It also attempts to understand the conflicting positions of politics, technology and humanity.


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Author Biography

Saptarshi Roy

Saptarshi Roy has completed his MA in English from Visva Bharati University, India with specialization in American Literature and Critical Theory. He is the Lecturer of Medieval Studies and Modern Fiction in Dept. of English, BS College, in the Indian state of West Bengal. His areas of interest are Children’s Literature, History of Britain, Migration and Diaspora.




How to Cite

Roy , S. . (2021). Robunism:: Introspecting the Conjunction of Human and Humane Mechanics. Sanglap: Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry (ISSN: 2349-8064), 3(1), 44–58. Retrieved from