Maps of the Impossible: Six Contemporary Hindi Poets – Readings and Translations by Rajesh Sharma:

Autumn Art, 2019, Hardcover, ₹ 400, Paperback, ₹ 325.


  • Navjot Khosla Punjabi University


Drawn by the book's jacket with the iconic image of self-immolating Thích Quảng Đức, the
Burning Monk, one is reminded of another image, more recent and as chilling – that of
Mohamed Bouazizi.


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Author Biography

Navjot Khosla, Punjabi University

Navjot Khosla is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of English, Punjabi University, Patiala. She has been fortunate enough to have had the best of both worlds – education in India as well as in the U.S. Teaching stints at various urban as well as rural institutions in India have helped her cultivate a more cosmopolitan outlook towards life, she believes. Navjot has also authored a book, A Song of Freedom: Journeying from Slavery to Love in Maya Angelou’s Poetry, paying homage to one of her favourite poets. She is, at present, pursuing her doctorate in children’s literature, and hopes, some day, to write for children herself.  




How to Cite

Khosla, N. (2021). Maps of the Impossible: Six Contemporary Hindi Poets – Readings and Translations by Rajesh Sharma:: Autumn Art, 2019, Hardcover, ₹ 400, Paperback, ₹ 325. Sanglap: Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry (ISSN: 2349-8064), 7(1), 156–159. Retrieved from