Copyright, Information & Access


Sanglap is an open access journal, published twice a year (March and September). There are no APC and all work is freely accessible. It strictly follows the Budapest Open Access Initiative, as stated above, and is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This means that readers can freely read, download, and share (copy and distribute) work in any medium or format. They can also adapt (remix, transform, and build upon) the material.

Author copyright:

All copyright of work will remain with the authors/contributors. They can reuse the work for their own ends. However, authors will have to acknowledge the work’s original publication in Sanglap.

Copyright permission and violation policy:

Authors will have to make sure that they have taken full care of the copyright issues of work and images. All sources must be properly acknowledged. Obtaining copyright permission remains solely on the part of authors/contributors, and the journal will not be responsible in any way for copyright infringement or violation issues.