The Freudian Cut


  • Tadej Troha


Cut, Irreversibility, Disposition, Constitution, Accidental



The article discusses the concept of irreversibility in psychoanalysis. By examining some of the key stages in the development of the Freudian enterprise, it argues that there is a single question that psychoanalysis has been dealing with from the very beginning and that enables us to articulate the real core of its history. The question that progressively produced the disposition of psychoanalysis, i.e. the irreversible trajectory on which it has been situated ever since is the following: Is it possible to intervene into the irreversible?


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Author Biography

Tadej Troha

Tadej Troha is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, and Assistant Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. His research interests include Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, literature, environmental sciences and philosophical aspects of current political issues.




How to Cite

Troha , T. (2021). The Freudian Cut. Sanglap: Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry (ISSN: 2349-8064), 4(2), 10–25. Retrieved from